Well, one day I might not fail at this whole procrastinating thing. For class, each student does a presentation on one of the sections we're reading, and the professor needs a copy of the presentation at least 24 hours before class so he can prepare, too. I hoped to get it to him sooner, since I don't know if he does stuff like this on Sunday, but as it is my presentation isn't quite done. And I can't actually work on it tomorrow morning, since I'm going to be at work getting ready for the missionaries to stuff themselves with ice cream and delicious toppings. (Mostly we do the toppings stuff in the morning.) At least what I'm teaching is pretty set? Hopefully that will be sufficient for my professor to feel like he can prepare... and not dock me points. That would be nice. :-)
So both Gary and I work tomorrow. Bummer. The worst part is that we don't work at the same time. I work from 9:30-2:30 and he works from 2-6. Sad day. Kind of like today I worked from about 11-2, and he worked 2-10. But at least we had a little time this morning. And, likewise, at least we'll have some time tomorrow night. I have a crockpot meal planned just for this occasion. I think. I've seen several recipes, and I can't decide if I need to cook it for 6-8 hours or for 4 hours. So I'm kind of compromising around 4.5-5...
Yeah. My life is so exciting, isn't it? I'm sorry to say that the point of this blog is mostly selfish, because I find that writing about random stuff/frustrations/excitements soothes me and makes me feel better about life. The funny part? When I go to bed... hopefully soon... yikes... I'll write in my journal. Maybe I just like to write about myself?
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