Tuesday, June 28, 2011

An adventure

The past few days have been kind of crazy. I believe I documented Saturday (do you like how I didn't even look?) and it was a fun one, but we just anticipated a rather quiet Sunday to follow. You win some, you lose some...

On the whole, the day started off pretty quiet and relaxing. I made rolls for a family dinner later that night, so I was more or less busy in the morning. Still, church was good, the drive down to my grandparents' was uneventful, and dinner was going pretty good (even though my rolls were burned on the bottom). I am a slow eater, so while I was (the last one) finishing dinner and while dessert was being assembled, Gary went to the bathroom and we had a quiet moment. He'd been there a while, and they were still serving up dessert, so I took my own trip and heard him talking on the phone. When I got out, he gestured me over and told me we needed to go to the emergency room.


That's right. My husband just told me we needed to go to the emergency room. Not seeing any dire problems, I asked if we needed to leave immediately (because I was thinking about that beautiful chocolate cake and ice cream), and he said yes, so I mentally sighed, mourned the loss of my cake, and tried to discreetly start to gather our things. Until I realized I didn't know where the nearest ER was. So we let the cat out of the bag. "So... where's the nearest ER? We think Gary might be having some internal bleeding." My cousin graciously escorted us over to the hospital and we were admitted fairly quickly. My aunt even sent us with some dessert! Isn't that nice? I got to eat it anyway. :) Gary had to eat most of his after the event (except the icecream, which he shoveled in his mouth when we arrived). Fortunately he felt fine and the doctor found that nothing was particularly out of the ordinary, so we were eventually released. I spent quite a while in the hallway, though, because I had just eaten and I didn't want to watch them trying to prick my hubby to get blood from him. And it took them three different tries to find a good vein. And then he had a brief rectal exam and I was informed I probably wouldn't want to see that.

Well, they referred him to a specialist (a gastroenterologist?) and we were thinking there were going to do some procedure in the office, so I stressed about it all day and eventually called in to work to say I couldn't come (I did try to find a sub) and went with him. Apparently we weren't thinking, cause as soon as they showed us in the room I realized, it doesn't look like they can do anything here except take his blood pressure. And, yeah, not much was accomplished during that visit, so Gary has another referral type deal to get a colonoscopy next week.

During the stress, though, and combined with the weekend being so full and not being able to have time for my reading, I decided to drop my TTh class. Do I regret it? Not yet. Do I feel like I should have tried? A little... if the add/drop deadline were two days away, I might have gotten through it. But after the ER fiasco Sunday I've been pretty tired and stressed. The fun thing is that Gary and I got to spend last night together. We haven't spent a weeknight together in a long time, so we got an impromptu date. (Dinner at Arby's and Ocean's 13? I totally count it.) And I'm pretty excited about having some time on Tuesday and Thursday to try and actually get some stuff done. Why can't I do it any other time of the week? I don't know. But hopefully I can get it done now. We'll see.

You know what? For a first experience at the ER it really wasn't bad. Turns out I was more stressed than I thought I was (our current finances don't help), so I'm still kind of recovering, but Gary is doing pretty good, he felt fine, and so it was a relatively positive, non-dying ER experience. Kind of ironic that we were going in for my husband and not the pregnant lady, but we all appreciate the fact that my little fetus is doing good. Sort of.

Aaaah doctor bills. Who knew they would become such a prominent part of two relatively healthy people's lives? At least yesterday I got a reminder that "all these things shall be for thy good," even if I can't see how yet.

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