So... I have this feeling like I'm Too Much Information Woman lately. Let's face it - there's a lot of unpleasant things about pregnancy, things that aren't normally dinner table appropriate but since it's just me and my husband, I feel pretty welcome talking to him about it all the time.
And sometimes, I feel like that makes me feel open to talking about it all the time to everyone.
Sorry if I've already been like that. I do try and reign it in, but really, it's all that's on my mind. I think perhaps other pregnant women/mothers are more open, but even then I wonder if they really feel comfortable about it. (I wouldn't mind hearing some otherwise "TMI" details; maybe that's why I feel so open...)
Ah, well. Maybe I'll just blame pregnancy itself. Hormones can do weird things to a girl, right?
No worries here! I hadn't thought that you were sharing too much information at all!