Friday, September 2, 2011

40 weeks?

Is it normal for expectant moms to get antsy around 38 weeks? I'm pretty sure my "due" date is at 40 weeks, but I was talking with a woman at church on Saturday who just had a baby and both her kids were born just after 38 weeks. I was a little concerned (as I think I mentioned) that for some reason my baby might come early due to health reasons; however, I did talk to my doctor and he didn't see any reason why she should be early. AND my family (both our families) have a history of being later, rather than earlier. I don't think my husband's mom was very overdue, but my poor mom was, usually by several weeks. I'll be content with 40 (I say at an easy 35. My life really isn't horribly inconvenient just now.)

I bring it up because one of my husband's co-workers friended me on Facebook and she's about a month ahead of me, pregnancy wise. However, for the past week or so, maybe more, she's been posting about how she's ready for her baby to come any day now.... and she's barely over 39 weeks. I guess the babies come any time between 36-42 weeks, but why would the "due date" be at 40 weeks if it weren't some sort of norm? I mean, as "norm" as you can get with little babies and giving birth and all that.

Probably just me. I'll probably change my mind in a few weeks (is it really only 3 weeks until I'm at 38 weeks??), when I hear I'll be 'done' being pregnant. However, as of right now, I'm really content to let my body do it's own autopilot take-care-of-the-baby thing....

1 comment:

  1. I think my body "cooks" my babies faster. Both of my sons were born spontaneously at 38 weeks 3 days (6lb 14 oz) and exactly 38 weeks (7lbs 6 oz). It is statistically pretty unlikely to deliver close to your due date. It seriously depends on when yo ovulate too, which can be pretty far away from the "norm" of day 14 in a cycle. Personally, once I hit 36 weeks I am tired of being pregnant lol!
