Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It's that time again...

Time for a procrastination blog post! Yes, I am working on an assignment. I just finished a good chunk of it, and I'm pretty excited by how it's turning out. So, the logical conclusion is to take that energy and write a blog post, right? I thought so, too.

Baby girl and I had a couple adventures yesterday - we weren't at home very much. I had to take her to campus for my class, but it all worked out. (She even made some new friends in my second class!) And then we headed up to Taylorsville for a wedding reception after class. We didn't get back until I think... 8:30? I was hoping to get her to bed between 8:30 and 9, but since she slept most/all of the way up to Taylorsville and at least half the way back, I wasn't sure I'd be doing either of us any favors by trying to get her back to sleep right away. So she went to bed at 10, and went down with hardly a peep. Only up once last night to eat. (My thoughts on Ferber's sleep-training method should be coming soon...) Got up about the same time she usually does, between 7:30 and 8.

Mostly I told that story because tonight she was sitting with her dad (so I could do my homework) and she started falling asleep at 8! Actually, I started her little solid food meal around 6:45, and between making little batches of oatmeal and feeding her somewhat distracted self, Gary wasn't finished until 7:30 or so, after which he bathed her. Because she was gross. I nursed her after, and I could tell she was about to doze off, so I stopped nursing and sat her up and bounced her a bit. It was cute, though, watching her nodding off in Hubby's arms.

She did wake up about an hour later, but we let her cry for a bit, and she's back to sleep now. Poor, tired little girl. She was a pretty busy girl today, too, and so didn't get prime napping time. Hopefully she'll still sleep until 7:30 or 8... that's my only concern, really.

Oh, and happy 6 months to my little angel baby.

Who by the way likes to sit up on her own these days. We took her to Texas Roadhouse tonight and at one point I had her sitting on the bench of the booth next to me. It was super precious, because she's so little, but I had this funny moment where I realized she would be sitting next to me (or dad) in a booth for a long time, and mostly not as small as she is now.

Oh boy, I love being a mom.

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