I admit, I'm a little bit jealous when I see people taking their newborns home or seeing pictures of getting home.
The good news is she's breastfeeding really well.
The less good news is she has to take all oral feedings for at usually 48 hours before we can take her home. Makes perfect sense. Isn't perfectly convenient. Gary wants me to see if a bottle would be okay once or twice a day - I'm really worried it will make breastfeeding more difficult. I want to see if I can stay in one of the sleep rooms at the hospital, but there are only two and I've always seen them occupied... and I don't want to wait for them. If the lactation consultant says she probably won't be hurt by a few bottle feeds at night, I might do it just so we can get her home.
And because I'm tired.
I'm anxious to breastfeed her, and at first I jumped and said I would drive over every three hours just to feed her instead of having the stupid tube do it for me.... but I also like to sleep a little, and I still pump after her feedings, so when I feed her I'm spending usually at least an hour and a half at the hospital. So unless I can find a place to sleep there, getting maybe two or three hours of sleep all night doesn't really sound all that appealing.
Maybe I could do it for just two days.... I used to do stuff like that for school, right?.... hah.
Really, though, feeding her is like magic and I love it.
We want her home so bad.
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