Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Lots of words

As promised:

Turns out the jacket was a bit too big.

First attempts at capturing a smile. Cute, but elusive!

The onesie says "Baby's First Halloween." As I recall, she wore it for about three hours. C'est la vie.

Ruffle bum!

Personally, I think she looks a bit old-man-ish in this picture. Which I didn't think when she was wearing it.


Showing off my strong baby. She held her head higher before the picture. Figures.

What a hard life... ;-)

They aren't horribly recent, but then times have been a bit rocky lately. I've taken her to waaaaay too many medical facilities these past two or three weeks. I tried to snatch a picture of her smiles yesterday (she was practicing laughing, too!) but of course as the camera came out, the smile turned into crying.

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