Okay. So maybe today wasn't the day. Whoops. I had a little misunderstanding (don't worry, it was pretty much me, not the clinic -- they're so nice!), and it turns out they only do ultrasounds at the other location. So we did get to hear the little heartbeat and get all checked up on - so far, so good! - and we have our appointment to find out on Thursday. Maybe we should have waited until next week, but we were kind of impatient, especially because Gary was so excited to find out today. (I was excited, too, don't get me wrong, but I'm currently so relieved that I had a positive, non-dying experience at the doctor that I feel pretty good about waiting.) We're just glad that everything seems to be going normally, and I'm completely relieved that I'm not already being a horrible mother. (It occurred to me yesterday that I don't think I ate a single vegetable... at least I'm taking prenatals, right? :-P) The doctor told me during my third trimester would be the huge emphasis on healthy eating, especially proteins and fiber... but not soy proteins, MEAT and DAIRY. Gary and I exchanged glances about the meat - he's a huge meat lover. Also, I had this steak kick a while back that he joked was the best pregnancy craving I ever had. Hehe.
And, as a side note, chicken cooked with curing sugar is INCREDIBLY delicious. Yumyumyum.
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