Thursday, April 5, 2012


I have a confession: I love my little baby. (Surprise!) No, that isn't my confession... but I loved that my baby was little and squishy, and back when she first started smiling, I occasionally wished that once she started to laugh, she would just stay that age forever. I take it back, though. It's so fun to see her talking and rolling and getting strong and sitting up and eating baby food... She's a pretty fun kid.

Also, I started doing (more) regular naps in the crib (thanks, Kandra, for the encouragement). She doesn't usually sleep very long, but she does sleep three times a day, so that's something. I figure as we get more used to nap time, she'll sleep longer than half an hour. Tonight I was a total sucker and let her sleep while I held her, and she slept at least an hour not long before bedtime. She stayed up a tiny bit longer than usual, but went right to sleep (or if she didn't, she didn't make much noise). Poor little tired baby.

In other news, I only have one more class period to attend this semester. Hooray! Unfortunately, I have two papers due in the next week, one on Wednesday and the other Friday. They shouldn't be too bad, I just have to crank them out. And, as I was discussing with another mother today, at this point I just want to pass. So I would like to make them excellent papers (especially one of them), I just also only really care about passing. The other mother told me, mostly jokingly, "D's get degrees." It's probably a good thing that these two papers are essentially a third of my grade in each class, or I would be sorely tempted not to do them. Ten percent? Pssh, I could totally take off ten percent of my grade. Thirty percent plus, though, that is waaay too much to just blow off.

But I just want to play with my baaaaaby. (And maybe use my extra time to clean the house instead of procrastinate my homework.)

Our little piggyback shorty. 
(She hit dad on the head, which is why his expression looks like that. All the other pictures were blurry.)

I discovered she likes to sleep on her side, like she's nursing. Though... in this picture... I put her down like that. Still cute.

She reached for my plate when I was done.

Though she later got frustrated when she tried to eat it and it wouldn't bend to her will.

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