Lately Baby has been super giggly. It's very fun. Most of the time I don't even try to do anything and she starts laughing, or I'll do something I've done a thousand times and she'll suddenly laugh at it. (Or I'll do something that made her laugh once a thousand times to never hear a giggle from it again. Babies.) Yesterday I was mindlessly rolling the rings to one of those stacking toys when suddenly...
Boom. Giggles galore. She also really enjoys peek-a-boo when she's in her carseat and I'm outside the car. It's fun... except that the doors are usually shut, so I can't hear the giggles. Sad day.
Another giggle video (since you can't have enough, right?): baby was happily bouncing in her little jungle-bouncer-thingy, and she was just sooo adorable that I had to go play with her. Turns out she likes my hair. :-)
I had a successful round of peek-a-boo giggles first, but Grandma pulled out the camera and then she was just intently watching the camera instead.
Also, my baby now has little baby teeth! Her two front ones decided to come at the same time. We saw them hanging out just under the gums for a little while, but now they are definitely peeking out. Not quite razor sharp, though probably only because she hasn't bitten too hard yet.
Okay, so they may be hard to see in this picture. Work with me... baby teeth are difficult to capture. Hmm. Other precious moments lately.
She has learned to clap! I have a video of that, too, but I wouldn't want blogger to have an upload heart attack, so I think two videos is enough for this particular post. I think it came about partly because I gave her two plastic bowls to bang around. She's very good at the up and down motion with her arms, so when she had a bowl in each hand, they sort of smacked each other when she banged them down. Well, that was so cool that she just kept getting more and more horizontal motion instead of just vertical, and now she loves banging everything together. She likes to clap my hands, too. And her hands, of course. I love it when she claps; it's like everything is exciting and new.
Speaking of bowls, I've finally started letting her play with everyday items these past few months. A measuring cup, a medicine spoon (she actually stole that one, and I didn't feel like I needed to take it away), and the two plastic bowls. Another toy I let her have:
Things wrapped in plastic! In this case, a granola bar. Maybe that's bad parenting, but I figure she really goes for crinkly plastic things, and this way at least I know she's contentedly munching on a granola bar wrapper instead of trying to get at some bigger plastic object. It's also handy in distracting her from trying to eat all the paper in sight... or at least placating her when I take the paper away. (Am I missing some boat? Do other parents just let their babies suck on/eat paper?)
Speaking of bad parenting. Heh. I occasionally let her fall asleep while nursing and just hold her. Especially when I'm super tired (like first thing in the morning. Yes, those are my jammies). So this is post-nursing nap, and I loved the way she fell asleep with her hands all clasped.
One more picture just for kicks. This Sunday, we played baby dress-up, as usual. And, as usual, she was adorable.
Love this baby girl.
Oh, I love the giggle videos! We get a little chuckle out of Matthew once and awhile. I can't wait until he starts laughing!